The tri-pentagonal number theorem and related identities
The triangular theorem of eight and representation by quadratic polynomials
The true order of the riemann zeta--function
The twisted fourth moment of the Riemann zeta function
The twisted symmetric square $L$-function of $GL(r)$
The twisting representation of the $L$-function of a curve
The two dimensional distribution of values of $ζ(1+it)$
The u-invariant of the function fields of p-adic curves
The uniform primality conjecture for elliptic curves
The Uniform Primality Conjecture for the Twisted Fermat Cubic
The unipotent Albanese map and Selmer varieties for curves
The universal Kolyvagin recursion implies the Kolyvagin recursion
The universal Kummer congruences
The universal thickening of the field of real numbers
The universality of symmetric power L-functions and their Rankin-Selberg L-functions
The unramified Brauer group of norm one tori
The unreasonable effectiveness of the tensor product
The Unreasonable Effectualness of Continued Function Expansions
The valuation criterion for normal basis generators
The variance of arithmetic measures associated to closed geodesics on the modular surface