The exceptional set in Vojta's conjecture for algebraic points of bounded degree
The exceptional zero conjecture for symmetric powers of CM modular forms: the ordinary case
The Existence of an Abelian Variety over the Algebraic Numbers isogenous to no Jacobian
The Explicit Formula and a Propagator
The Explicit Formula and the conductor operator
The Explicit Formula in simple terms
The exponential sum over squarefree integers
The External Fundamental Group of an Algebraic Number Field
The family of ternary cyclotomic polynomials with one free prime
The Farey Sieve
The Fekete-Szego theorem with Local Rationality Conditions on Curves
The Fermat-type equations x^5 + y^5 = 2z^p or 3z^p solved through Q-curves
The fermionic p-adic integrals on Zp associated with extended q-Euler numbers and polynomials
The Fibonacci sequence modulo $p^2$ -- An investigation by computer for $p < 10^{14}$
The field of moduli of quaternionic multiplication on abelian varieties
The field-of-norms functor and the Hilbert symbol for higher local fields
The Fifteen Theorem for Universal Hermitian Lattices over Imaginary Quadratic Fields
The first digit frequencies of primes and Riemann zeta zeros tend to uniformity following a size-dependent generalized Benford's law
The first moment of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions
The first moment of Salie sums