Galois theory of iterated endomorphisms
Galois theory of quadratic rational functions
Galois theory of the canonical theta structure
Galois Theory, discriminants and torsion subgroups of elliptic curves
Galois theory, motives and transcendental numbers
Gamma,Psi,Bernoulli Functions via Hurwitz Zeta Function
Gaps and the exponent of convergence of an integer sequence
Gaps between zeros of the derivative of the Riemann ξ-function
Gaps in the Spectrum of Heights of Projective Points
Garaev's Inequality in finite fields not of prime order
Gauss composition over an arbitrary base
Gauss Integers and Diophantine Figures
Gauss sums of cubic characters over $GF(p^r)$, $p$ odd
Gauss Sums of the Cubic Character over $GF(2^m)$: an elementary derivation
Gauss sums over some matrix groups
Gaussian Behavior in Generalized Zeckendorf Decompositions
Gaussian Hypergeometric Evaluations of Traces of Frobenius for Elliptic Curves
Gaussian hypergeometric series and supercongruences
Gaussian point count statistics for families of curves over a fixed finite field
Gaussian rational points on a singular cubic surface