A moon with a view
A multitasking behavioral control system for the Robotic All-Terrain Lunar Exploration Rover (RATLER)
A Neuro-Fuzzy Multi Swarm FastSLAM Framework
A new closed-loop output error method for parameter identification of robot dynamics
A New Concept of Modular Parallel Mechanism for Machining Applications
A New Design Approach of Software Architecture for an Autonomous Observation Satellite
A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics application in human simulation
A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics application in human simulation
A New Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Device based on the Orthoglide and the Agile Eye
A New Three-DOF Parallel Mechanism: Milling Machine Applications
A novel approach for determining fatigue resistances of different muscle groups in static cases
A Novel method for the design of 2-DOF Parallel mechanisms for machining applications
A perception and manipulation system for collecting rock samples
A perspective on space robotics in Japan
A Platform-independent Programming Environment for Robot Control
A Real-Time Novelty Detector for a Mobile Robot
A robotic exploration mission to Mars and PHOBOS
A Robotic Rover-Based Deep for Mars Exploration
A robotically constructed production and supply base on Phobos
A Robotics Perspective On Human Spaceflight