Cable-based lunar transprotation system
CAGD - Computer Aided Gripper Design for a Flexible Gripping System
Calibration of 3-d.o.f. Translational Parallel Manipulators Using Leg Observations
Calibration of quasi-isotropic parallel kinematic Machines: Orthoglide
Camera Response Simulation for Planetary Exploration
Can virtual reality predict body part discomfort and performance of people in realistic world for assembling tasks?
Canadian Partnership in the 2009 MARS SmartLander Mission
Candidate site for a robotic lunar observatory: The central peak of Riccioli crater
Cargo Layout Optimization in Spacecraft: Exploring Heuristics for Branch-and Bound Method
Cartesian stiffness matrix of manipulators with passive joints: analytical approach
Casting Robotic End-effectors To Reach Faraway Moving Objects
Catalog of lunar and Mars science payloads
Changing Assembly Modes without Passing Parallel Singularities in Non-Cuspidal 3-R\underline{P}R Planar Parallel Robots
Characterizing and approximating eigenvalue sets of symmetric interval matrices
Chemical Power for Microscopic Robots in Capillaries
Circle Formation of Weak Mobile Robots
Circular tests for HSM machine tools: Bore machining application
Citizen Explorer - A Low-Cost Distributed and Incrementally Automated Mission Operations System
Classification of one family of 3R positioning Manipulators
Climbing depth-bounded adjacent discrepancy search for solving hybrid flow shop scheduling problems with multiprocessor tasks