RATLER: Robotic All-Terrain Lunar Exploration Rover
Reactionless Manipulations and Proposal to ETS-VII On-Board Experiments
Realistic Rendering of Kinetostatic Indices of Mechanisms
Reality browsing: Using information interaction and robotic autonomy for planetary exploration
Red Planet? Red River!FIELD Works on the Red-Mud Flood Polluted Marcal Riverside: ph Measurements by the HUSAR-5 Nxt-Based Rover Model of the SZÉCHENYI ISTVÁN High School, Sopron, Hungary.
Reducing software mass through behavior control
Reducing the Risk of Human Missions to Mars Through Testing
Reducing the Risk of Human Missions to Mars Through Testing
Regions of Feasible Point-to-Point Trajectories in the Cartesian Workspace of Fully-Parallel Manipulators
Replay Debugging of Complex Real-Time Systems: Experiences from Two Industrial Case Studies
Report of the In Situ Resources Utilization Workshop
Research and Development of Reconfigurable Brachiating Space Robots
Research of Control Momentum Gyros for Micro-satellites and 3-DOF Attitude Dynamics Simulator Experiments
Results in Sliding Autonomy for Multi-Robot Spatial Assembly
Results of a Conceptual Systems Analysis of Systems for 200 m Deep Sampling of the Martian Subsurface
Results of the ETS-7 Mission - Rendezvous Docking and Space Robotics Experiments
Return to the Moon in Second Life, a 3D Metaverse
Return to the Moon: A New Strategic Evaluation
Return to the Moon: Lunar robotic science missions
ROAMS: Rover Analysis Modeling and Simulation