Pairwise Optimal Discrete Coverage Control for Gossiping Robots
Parametric Stiffness Analysis of the Orthoglide
Parametric stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide
Passive Control Architecture for Virtual Humans
Path placement optimization of manipulators based on energy consumption: application to the orthoglide 3-axis
Path Planner for Objects, Robots and Mannequins by Multi-Agents Systems or Motion Captures
Path Planning Algorithm for Extinguishing Forest Fires
Patient-Specific Prosthetic Fingers by Remote Collaboration - A Case Study
Payload Tutor (PAT): A Relocatable Payload Robot for ISS Internal Automation System
Percussive Dynamic Cone Penetrometer for Geotechnical Surface Assessment with a Planetary Rover
Performance Evaluation of Advanced Robotic Hand System in Space Experiment
Performance evaluation of parallel manipulators for milling application
Performance Improvement of JEMRMS in Light of Vibration Dynamics
Periodic gaits for the CMU Ambler
Périphériques haptiques et simulation d'objets, de robots et de mannequins dans un environnement de CAO-Robotique : eM-Virtual Desktop
Persistent Robotic Tasks: Monitoring and Sweeping in Changing Environments
Photometric Imaging of the Moon from the Robotic Lunar Observatory
Physarum boats: If plasmodium sailed it would never leave a port
Physical modeling and dynamic simulation of planet vehicles: Application to the motion prediction
Physical Simulation of Inarticulate Robots