Haptic communication for manipulator tooling operations in hazardous environments
Haptic devices and objects, robots and mannequin simulation in a CAD-CAM software: eM-Virtual Desktop
Hardware In The Loop Simulator in UAV Rapid Development Life Cycle
Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, of Robots Performing Contact Tasks
Heading Lock Maneuver Testing of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Heterogeneity for Increasing Performance and Reliability of Self-Reconfigurable Multi-Robot Organisms
Heterogeneous Robotic Systems for Assembly and Servicing
Hierarchical multisensor analysis for robotic exploration
High Performance Controllers for Speed and Position Induction Motor Drive using New Reaching Law
High throughput X-ray telescope on a lunar base
Highlights from the COSPAR 1992 symposium: 'Astronomy and Space Science from the Moon'
Honeybee Robotics Planetary Drill Systems
Hopping Robot for Planetary Exploration
Hopping Rover MINERVA for Asteroid Exploration
How to achieve various gait patterns from single nominal
Human Machine Cooperative Tele-Driving System and Path Trajectory Compensation with Land Mark Selection
Human Muscle Fatigue Model in Dynamic Motions
Husar-8 Rover Swarm Collective Activity Around Hunveyor-8: Planetary Robotics at the Kecskemét College, GAMF Faculty, Hungary
Hybrid Robotic Habitat for Lunar Exploration