Very-low frequency signals (2-10 kHz) received at Palmer Station, Antarctica, from the 21.4 km dipole antenna at Siple Station, 1400 km distant
Vibrational stability of stars in thermal imbalance. III - A general discussion of energy methods
Viking Doppler noise used to determine the radial dependence of electron density in the extended corona
Virial theorem, energy content, and mass-radius-relation for white dwarfs
Viscous computations of resonant absorption of MHD waves in flux tubes by FEM
Viscous effects in rapidly rotating stars with application to white-dwarf models. III - Further numerical results
Visibility of nonradial pulsation modes in solar continuum intensity measurements
VLA stereoscopy of solar active regions. 2: Altitude, relative motion, and center-to-limb darkening of 20 centimeter emission
Vortex-induced magnetic reconnection and single X line reconnection at the magnetopause
VPP300 series in National Astronomical Observatory
Wavefront-error evaluation by mathematical analysis of experimental Foucault-test data
Wavy size distributions for collisional systems with a small-size cutoff
Weighted average finite difference methods for fractional diffusion equations
Western boundary currents in the Martian atmosphere: Numerical simulations and observational evidence
WFPC2 observations of the double cluster NGC 1850 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
WKB approach to the problem of MHD shock propagation through the heliospheric current sheet
X-ray halos as a possible constraint on an intergalactic dust component
X-ray measurements of charge diffusion effects in EEV Ltd. charge-coupled devices
X-rays from superbubbles in the Large Magellanic Cloud
``Cosmic flashing'' in four dimensions