Two-temperature accretion disks with winds in a fluid approximation
Type-II/III DCT/DST algorithms with reduced number of arithmetic operations
Uncertainty Updating in the Description of Coupled Heat and Moisture Transport in Heterogeneous Materials
Understanding differential equations through diffusion point of view
Unstable accretion disks in FU Orionis stars
Unstructured Geometric Multigrid in Two and Three Dimensions on Complex and Graded Meshes
Upper limit of the angular velocity of neutron stars
Use of a beam expanding telescope in a grating-tuned waveguide CO2 laser
Use of Roche coordinates in the problems of small oscillations of rotationally distorted stellar models
Use of the regularization method to increase the resolving power of a radio telescope
User Movement Across the Zooniverse
Using gaseous disks to probe the geometric structure of elliptical galaxies
Using matrices in post-processing phase of CFD simulations
Using Propagation for Solving Complex Arithmetic Constraints
Using sparse matrices and splines-based interpolation in computational fluid dynamics simulations
Using vector divisions in solving linear complementarity problem
VAGO method for the solution of elliptic second-order boundary value problems
Variational description of stability and equilibrium of cold configurations
Vector array processor computer equipment
Vertex-centroid finite volume scheme on tetrahedral grids for conservation laws