A theoretical evaluation of the lunar tidal variations in the ionospheric F2-layer
A theory of hydrogen shell flashes on accreting white dwarfs. I - Their progress and the expansion of the envelope. II - The stable shell burning and the recurrence period of shell flashes
A thermodynamic framework to develop rate-type models for fluids without instantaneous elasticity
A three-component model of solar wind-interstellar medium interaction - Some numerical results
A time-parallel algorithm for almost integrable Hamiltonian systems
A Tuned and Scalable Fast Multipole Method as a Preeminent Algorithm for Exascale Systems
A two-dimensional model for a solar prominence
A two-region model of the solar wind including azimuthal velocity
A Two-Step High-Order Compact Scheme for the Laplacian Operator and its Implementation in an Explicit Method for Integrating the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
A Type 2 supernovae constraint on neutrinoe - neutrinos mixing
A variational approach to the question of temporal stability of equilibrium models of solar prominences. I - The formal theory
A very large array survey of neutral hydrogen in Virgo Cluster spirals. 3: Surface density profiles of the gas
A VFRoe scheme for 1D shallow water flows : wetting and drying simulation
A way to examine rotational splittings without explicit foward or inverse computations
Abundances in the envelopes of massive stars undergoing mass loss
Acceleration of Solar Cosmic Rays by the Shock Waves in the Solar Corona
Accretion by rotating magnetic neutron stars. III - Accretion torques and period changes in pulsating X-ray sources
Accretion magnetospheres - General solutions
Accretion on to binary systems. II - A numerical simulation
Accretion onto a rapidly moving gravitating center