An instability in planetary rings due to ballistic transport
An interior solution for a charged sphere in general relativity
An internal velocity study of the Rosette Nebula
An introduction to the multi-grid method for numerical relativists.
An inversion method based on the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse matrix
An investigation of extinction diagnostics towards the Orion nebula
An investigation of the evolution of almost-circular orbits of distant artificial Earth satellites near a 3/1 resonance with the Moon by means of a numerical analysis method.
An iterative numerical solution of the laminar flow of fluids in electromagnetic induction pumps
An Iteratively Reweighted Algorithm for Sparse Reconstruction of Subsurface Flow Properties from Nonlinear Dynamic Data
An MHD simulation of the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere (by dependent magnetospheric convection and field aligned currents
An Optimized Sparse Approximate Matrix Multiply
An upper limit to the electrodynamic power output from a thin accretion disk around a black hole
Analysis of and workarounds for element reversal for a finite element-based algorithm for warping triangular and tetrahedral meshes
Analysis of Basis Pursuit Via Capacity Sets
Analysis of lunar occultations of close binaries and radio sources by the regularization method
Analysis of optical autonomous navigation for the motion of a satellite in a low-eccentricity orbit
Analysis of regolith electromagnetic scattering as constrained by high resolution Earth-based measurements of the lunar microwave emission
Analysis of the early spectra and light curve of SN 1987A
Analysis of the Karmarkar-Karp Differencing Algorithm
Analysis of the velocity-distance diagrams in the presence of the Great Attractor