Diversity in Astrophysical Reconnection
Do Accretion Disks Exist in High Energy Astrophysics?
Do helicon waves really exist?
Does chaos alter the ensemble averaged drift equations?
Does the Kinetic Alfven Wave or Oblique Whistler Wave dominate the Dissipation Range of Solar Wind Turbulence?
Does Wave Turbulence Remove the Flux Pileup at the Magnetopause?
Dominance of Radiation Pressure in Ion Acceleration with Linearly Polarized Pulses at Intensities of $10^{21}\textrm{W}\textrm{cm}^{-2}$
Doppler effect in optical velocimetry
Double diffusion convection in a rotating spherical shell
Double discontinuity: A compound structure of slow shock and rotational discontinuity
Double flux-rope magnetic cloud in the solar wind at 1 AU
Double layer and potential jump - A review of laboratory experimental evidences
Double Layers and Electron Phase-Space Holes on Auroral Field Lines
Double Layers in Astrophysics
Double layers in expanding plasmas and their relevance to the auroral plasma processes
Double radio sources and the new approach to cosmic plasma physics
Double radio sources and the new approach to cosmical plasma physics
Double Star and Cluster Observations of Magnetic Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause
Double Star-Cluster observations of magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause
Double-layer shocks in a magnetized quantum plasma