Semi-analytical approach to short-wavelength dispersion and modal properties of photonic crystal fibers
Semi-analytical design of antireflection gratings for photonic crystals
Semi-discrete solitons in arrayed waveguide structures with Kerr nonlinearity
Semi-kinematic mount of the FIREBALL large optics
Semianalytic theory of self-similar optical propagation and mode locking using a shape-adaptive model pulse
Semiclassical spin damping: Superradiance revisited
Semiconductor diode laser coupling to integrated optics
Semiconductor material requirements for orthogonal strip detectors
Semiconductor multiple-electrode detectors for measuring ionizing radiation at room temperature
Semiconductor split-ring resonators for thermally tunable, terahertz metamaterials
Semiconductor-based superlens for sub-wavelength resolution below the dif-fraction limit at extreme ultraviolet frequencies
Semiconductors for Plasmonics and Metamaterials
Semidiurnal internal tides off the east coast of Korea inferred from synthetic aperture radar images
Semirigid and adjustable CFRP membrane for radio telescope applications
Sending femtosecond pulses in circles: highly non-paraxial accelerating beams
Sensing and Multiscale Structure
Sensing Phase Aberrations behind Lyot Coronagraphs
Sensing systems for active control of the VLT
Sensing with photonic crystal fibers
Sensitive multiplex spectroscopy in the molecular fingerprint 2.4 $μ$m region with a Cr^{2+}:ZnSe femtosecond laser