MAD star oriented: laboratory results for ground layer and multi-conjugate adaptive optics
MAD status report
MAD the ESO multi-conjugate adaptive optics demonstrator
MAD: practical implementation of MCAO concepts
MAFL experiment: development of photonic devices for a space-based multiaperture fiber-linked interferometer
Magdalen Ridge Observatory: post Preliminary Design Review
Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer: Progress Towards First Light and Scientific Commissioning
Magic and Charm: A novel approach to tip-tilt adaptive optics
MAGIC: a new near-infrared camera for Calar Alto
Magnetic bubble domain devices
Magnetic dipole infrared atmospheric oxygen bands
Magnetic dipole moments in single and coupled split-ring resonators
Magnetic electron multipliers: efficiency changes
Magnetic Faraday rotation in lossy photonic structures
Magnetic field assisted finishing of ultra-lightweight and high-resolution MEMS x-ray micro-pore optics
Magnetic field-aligned electric field acceleration and the characteristics of the optical aurora
Magnetic intensification as a mechanism for broad band linear polarization
Magnetic levitation of metamaterial bodies enhanced with magnetostatic surface resonances
Magnetic Linear Birefringence Measurements Using Pulsed Fields
Magnetic metamaterials in the blue range using aluminum nanostructures