Investigation of numerical properties of Hovenier's exit function equation for multiple scattering of light
Investigation of Organic Nanocrystallic Films by the Method of Raman Spectroscopy
Investigation of periodic multilayers
Investigation of photodisintegration reactions for the p-process reaction network
Investigation of Relative Illuminance as a Function of Distance between Reflector and Fluorescent Light Source
Investigation of seeing by means of an atmospheric mesoscale numerical simulation
Investigation of single-factor calibration of the wave-number scale in Fourier-transform spectroscopy
Investigation of some of the principal geometric effects on planetary polarization
Investigation of standards for the Alma-Ata Catalog - The energy distribution in the VEGA spectrum
Investigation of statistical variations between lenslets of microlens arrays
Investigation of sub-aperture polish techniques for manufacturing astronomical mirror
Investigation of sulfur dioxide absorption spectra in the infrared
Investigation of the 2-m telescope optics and seeing at the Terskol Peak Observatory
Investigation of the Iterative Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Interferometric Applications
Investigation of the Kerr-lens Mode Locking Ability of Cr:ZnSe Solid-State Laser
Investigation of the magnetic field effects on the electron mobility in tri-(8-hydroxyquinoline)-aluminum based light-emitting devices
Investigation of the optical properties of the Venusian atmosphere
Investigation of the photosensitivity, temperature sustainability and fluorescence characteristics of several Er-doped photosensitive fibers
Investigation of the possibility of compensating the cross effect of the drives of a flexible adaptive mirror.
Investigation of the seeing and the optics of the two-meter telescope of the Terskol Peak Observatory