P-Type Zno:. as Obtained by Ion Implantation of AS+ with Post-Implantation Annealing in Oxygen Radicals
Pamela Data Acquisition System
Panda:. a Detector for Research with Antiprotons
Parallel MRI at microtesla fields
Partial wave analysis of the ultrasound comet tail artifact
Particle Accelerators for Radiotherapy:. Present Status and Future
Particle Beam Tests for the Glast-Lat Calibration
Particle Identification at Star-Tpc with Ionization Measurements
PCA-based lung motion model
Peculiarities of Brain's Blood Flow : Role of Carbon Dioxide
Percutaneous renal puncture: requirements and preliminary results
Performance of irradiated CMS forward pixel detector
Performance of Mdt Detectors of the Atlas Muon Spectrometer
Performance of Neutron Detector and Bottom Trigger Scintillator of the Space Instrument Pamela
Performance of the Atlas Liquid Argon Forward Calorimeter in Beam Tests
Performance of the Cms Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Performance of the CMS Muon System with Cosmic Rays
Performance of the Cooling System of Ecal Cms
Performance of the High Momentum Particle Identification Detector in ALICE at Lhc
Performance of the Integrated Tracker Towers of the Glast Large Area Telescope