Laboratory Report (LR) to the paper Foundation of an analytical proton beamlet model for inclusion in a general proton dose calculation system [arXiv:1009.0832]
Lagged Poincaré and auto-correlation analysis of Heart rate variability in diabetes
Lanthanum Halide Scintillators and Optical Fiber Readout for X-Ray Astronomy and National Security Applications
Large volume and high efficiency neutron detector for nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics measurements
Las ondas viajeras son los ojos nuevos de la resonancia en medicina
Laser Induced Heat Diffusion Limited Tissue Coagulation: Problem and General Properties
Latest results from a mass-production sample of MRPCs for the ALICE TOF detector
Launch in Orbit of the Space Telescope Pamela and Ground Data Results
Layout and Status of the Cms Silicon Tracker
Lccal:. a Calorimeter Prototype for Future Linear Colliders
Leakage Tests for Am-241 Solid Sources Used for Liquid Xenon Detector Monitoring
Leave-one-out prediction error of systolic arterial pressure time series under paced breathing
Lepix:. Monolithic Detectors for Particle Tracking in Standard Very Deep Submicron CMOS Technologies
Lessons Learned in Maintenance of the International Space Station
Linearity, Energy and Position Resolution of the Atlas Electromagnetic Calorimeter Series Modules
Links between traumatic brain injury and ballistic pressure waves originating in the thoracic cavity and extremities
Living Tissue Self-Regulation as a Self-Organization Phenomenon
Local shear waves attenuation measurements by the MR methods
Long-term investigations of radiocaesium activity concentrations in carps in north Croatia after the Chernobyl accident
Low and High Intensity Beam Monitoring and Tracking