CADe tools for early detection of breast cancer
CAFNA©, coded aperture imaging for fast neutron analysis: Application to contraband and explosive detection
Calibration of the ANTARES neutrino telescope
Calibration of the ATLAS Muon Chambers
Calibration of the Cms Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Calibration System for the Silicon Drift Detector of the ALICE Experiment
Cancer and nonextensive statistics
Capabilities of the Commercial Plant Biotechnology Facility to support plant activities on the International Space Station
Carbon nanotube based biomedical agents for heating, temperature sensoring and drug delivery
CAT-scanning the stars.
Cell inactivation by diverse ions along their tracks
Ceramic - Matrix Composites for Extreme Applications
Cerebrovascular injury caused by a high strain rate insult in the thorax
Certification, Installation and Commissioning of Muon Drift Tube Chambers for the Cms Central Muon Detector
Challenging the Neutrino Mass with Cuore
Changes in the Hurst exponent of heartbeat intervals during physical activities
Characterisation of Fbg Sensors Under Ionizing Radiationfor High Energy Physics and Space Physics
Characterization of fragmented heavy-ion beams using a three-stage telescope detector: Detector configuration and instrumentation
Characterization of fragmented heavy-ion beams using a three-stage telescope detector: Measurements of 670-MeV/amu 20Ne beams.
Characterization of mammographic masses using a gradient-based segmentation algorithm and a neural classifier