A digital ECAL based on MAPS
A double junction model of irradiated silicon pixel sensors for LHC
A double supermirror monochromator for neutron instrumentation at LLB
A Fast General-Purpose Clustering Algorithm Based on FPGAs for High-Throughput Data Processing
A fast programmable trigger for isolated cluster counting in the BELLE experiment
A Fiber Detector Radiation Hardness Test
A field evaporation deuterium ion source for neutron generators
A fully woven touchpad sensor based on soft capacitor fibers
A general track reconstruction scheme and its application to the OPERA drift tubes
A generalization of the Leeson effect
A Hadron Blind Detector for the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
A handy method to monitor outputs from a pulsed light source and its application to photomultiplier's rate effect studies
A Hardware Implementation of Artificial Neural Network Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays
A hardware implementation of Region-of-Interest selection in LAr-TPC for data reduction and triggering
A heat-and-pull rig for fiber taper fabrication
A high dynamic Micro Strips Ionization Chamber featuring Embedded Multi DSP Processing
A high dynamic range data acquisition system for a solid-state electron Electric Dipole Moment experiment
A high efficiency, low background detector for measuring pair-decay branches in nuclear decay
A High Energy Electron and Photon Detector Simulation System
A High Granularity Imaging Calorimeter for Cosmic-Ray Physics