Automated Reconstruction of Particle Cascades in High Energy Physics Experiments
Automatic detection and tracking of dust particles in a RF plasma sheath
Autonomous detection and anticipation of jam fronts from messages propagated by inter-vehicle communication
Averaging Results with Theoretical Uncertainties
B-Rank: A top N Recommendation Algorithm
Basics of Feature Selection and Statistical Learning for High Energy Physics
BAT - The Bayesian Analysis Toolkit
Bayes linear adjustment for variance matrices
Bayes linear covariance matrix adjustment
Bayes linear covariance matrix adjustment for multivariate dynamic linear models
Bayes linear variance adjustment for time series
BAYES-LIN: An object-oriented environment for Bayes linear local computation
Bayesian analysis of magnetic island dynamics
Bayesian Analysis of QENS data: From parameter determination to model selection
Bayesian analysis of signal deconvolution using measured instrument response functions
Bayesian Analysis of the Conditional Correlation Between Stock Index Returns with Multivariate SV Models
Bayesian approach to clustering real value, categorical and network data: solution via variational methods
Bayesian Blocks: Divide and Conquer, MCMC, and Cell Coalescence Approaches
Bayesian Comparison of GARCH Processes with Skewnes Mechanism in Conditional Distributions
Bayesian considerations on the multiverse explanation of cosmic fine-tuning