Semi-blind Sparse Image Reconstruction with Application to MRFM
Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection - Towards Model-Independent Searches of New Physics
Sensitivity of searches for new signals and its optimization
Sensor Alignment by Tracks
Separating Signals from Non-Interfering Backgrounds using Probabilistic Event Weightings
sFit: a method for background subtraction in maximum likelihood fit
Shape analysis using fractal dimension: a curvature based approach
Shape reconstruction in X-ray tomography from a small number of projections using deformable models
Shrinkage and spectral filtering of correlation matrices: a comparison via the Kullback-Leibler distance
Sifting data in the real world
Sigma web interface for reactor data applications
Signal discovery in sparse spectra: a Bayesian analysis
Signal induced Symmetry Breaking in Noise Statistical Properties of Data Analysis
Signal processing and statistical methods in analysis of text and DNA
Signature of Fermi surface jumps in positron spectroscopy data
SigSpec - I. Frequency- and Phase-Resolved Significance in Fourier Space
Similarity transformations approach for a generalized Fokker-Planck equation
Similarity-Based Classification in Partially Labeled Networks
Simultaneous Determination of Signal and Background Asymmetries
Simultaneous Least Squares Treatment of Statistical and Systematic Uncertainties