Continuous Probability Distributions from Finite Data
Continuous Time Random Walks (CTRWs): Simulation of continuous trajectories
Controlling overestimation of error covariance in ensemble Kalman filters with sparse observations: A variance limiting Kalman filter
Controlling surface statistical properties using bias voltage: Atomic force microscopy and stochastic analysis
Coordinated, Interactive Data Visualization for Neutron Scattering Data
Correlated Binomial Models and Correlation Structures
Correlated couplings and robustness of coupled networks
Correlation matrix decomposition of WIG20 intraday fluctuations
Correlation of coming limit price with order book in stock markets
Correlation of worldwide markets' entropies: time-scale approach
Correlations of record events as a test for heavy-tailed distributions
Coupled continuous time random walks in finance
Cracking the Liu key exchange protocol in its most secure state with Lorentzian spectra
Critique on the measurement of neutron cross-sections by the Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering technique
Cross Validated Non parametric Bayesianism by Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Cross-country hierarchical structure and currency crisis
Crossover between Levy and Gaussian regimes in first passage processes
Crowding at the Front of the Marathon Packs
Cruising The Simplex: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and the Dirichlet Distribution