Bi-clique Communities
Bias-Free Estimation in Multicomponent Maximum Likelihood Fits with Component-Dependent Templates
Bibliometric statistical properties of the 100 largest European universities: prevalent scaling rules in the science system
Binary N-Step Markov Chain as an Exactly Solvable Model of Long-Range Correlated Systems
Binomial and ratio-of-Poisson-means frequentist confidence intervals applied to the error evaluation of cut efficiencies
Bivariate phase-rectified signal averaging
Blind Analysis in Particle Physics
Blind background prediction using a bifurcated analysis scheme
Boosted Decision Trees as an Alternative to Artificial Neural Networks for Particle Identification
Breakthrough in Interval Data Fitting I. The Role of Hausdorff Distance
Breakthrough in Interval Data Fitting II. From Ranges to Means and Standard Deviations
Bridge Bounding: A Local Approach for Efficient Community Discovery in Complex Networks
Broad distribution effects in sums of lognormal random variables
Brownian motion in a non-homogeneous force field and photonic force microscope
Burstiness and Memory in Complex Systems