Zero-temperature transition and correlation-length exponent of the frustrated XY model on a honeycomb lattice
Zero-th law in structural glasses: an example
Zero-variance principle for Monte Carlo algorithms
Zeroes in the Complex Beta Plane Of 2D Ising Block Spin Boltzmannians
Zeroes of the Jones polynomial
Zeros of the order parameter of d_{x^2-y^2} superconducting film in the presence of uniform current
Zeros of the Partition Function and Pseudospinodals in Long-Range Ising Models
Zeros of the partition function for a continuum system at first order transitions
Zeros of the Potts Model Partition Function in the Large-$q$ Limit
Zeroth and Second Laws of Thermodynamics Simultaneously Questioned in the Quantum Microworld
Zeroth law of thermodynamics and the transformation from nonextensive to extensive framework
Zeroth principle of thermodynamics in aging quasistationary states
Zeroth Sound Modes of Dilute Fermi Gas with Arbitrary Spin
Zeta Function Regularization of Infrared Divergences in Bose-Einstein Condensation
ZGB model with random distribution of inert sites
Zig-zag ladders with staggered magnetic chirality in S = 3/2 compound beta-CaCr2O4
Zigzag Charge Ordering in alpha'-NaV2O5
Zigzag edge modes in Z2 topological insulator: reentrance and completely flat spectrum
Zigzag equilibrium structure in monatomic wires
Zigzag Filamentary Theory of Broken Symmetry of Neutron and Infrared Vibronic Spectra of YBa2Cu3O(6+x)