Work functions of self-assembled monolayers on metal surfaces
Work probability distribution and tossing a biased coin
Work probability distribution in single molecule experiments
Work probability distribution in systems driven out of equilibrium
Work Relation and the Second Law of Thermodynamics in Nonequilibrium Steady States
Work, free energy and dissipation in voltage driven single-electron transitions
Workhorse Semilocal Density Functional for Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Chemistry
Workshop on "Interdisciplinary Aspects of Turbulence"
World Nematic Crystal Model of Gravity Explaining the Absence of Torsion
World-Wide Web scaling exponent from Simon's 1955 model
Worm Algorithm for Continuous-space Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations
Worm Algorithm for Problems of Quantum and Classical Statistics
Worm algorithms for classical statistical models
Worm Monte Carlo study of the honeycomb-lattice loop model
Worm-like Polymer Loops and Fourier Knots
Worm-type Monte Carlo simulation of the Ashkin-Teller model on the triangular lattice
Wormhole Effect in a Strong Topological Insulator
Wormlike chain or tense string? A question of resolution
Worse fluctuation method for fast Value-at-Risk estimates
Wrapping an adhesive sphere with a sheet