Wave-vector dependence of spin and density multipole excitations in quantum dots
Wave-vector dependent intensity variations of the Kondo peak in photoemission from CePd$_3$
Waveform sampling using an adiabatically driven electron ratchet in a two-dimensional electron system
Wavefront depinning transition in discrete one-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems
Wavefront singularities associated with the conical point in elastic solids with cubic symmetry
Wavefront solution in extended quantum circuits with charge discreteness
Wavefronts may move upstream in doped semiconductor superlattices
Wavefunction and level statistics of random two dimensional gauge fields
Wavefunction considerations for the central spin decoherence problem in a nuclear spin bath
Wavefunction extended Lagrangian Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics
Wavefunction Intensity Statistics from Unstable Periodic Orbits
Wavefunction topology of two-dimensional time-reversal symmetric superconductors
Wavefunction-based correlated ab initio calculations on crystalline solids
Wavefunction-based method for excited-state electron correlations in periodic systems - application to polymers
Wavefunctional approach to the bilayer ν=1 system and a possibility for a double non-chiral pseudospin liquid
Wavefunctions and counting formulas for quasiholes of clustered quantum Hall states on a sphere
Wavefunctions for the Luttinger liquid
Wavefunctions for topological quantum registers
Waveguide containing a backward-wave slab
Waveguide diffusion modes and slowdown of D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation in narrow 2-D semiconductor channels