Pure spin current in a two-dimensional topological insulator
Pure spin current in graphene NS structures
Pure spin currents and associated electrical voltage
Pure spin currents induced by spin-dependent scattering processes in SiGe quantum well structures
Pure spin photocurrents
Pure spin photocurrents in low-dimensional structures
Pure spin-current generated by reflection at a normal metal/2DEG interface
Pure, $Si$ and $sp^3$-doped Graphene nanoflakes: a numerical study of density of states
Purely electric spin pumping in one-dimension
Purely electronic THz polarization in dimer Mott insulators
Purely electronic transport and localization in the Bose glass
Purely orbital diamagnetic to paramagnetic fluctuation of quasi two-dimensional carriers under in-plane magnetic field
Purified graphite surface and vacancy states: undercoordination-induced quantum trap depression and lone pi-electron polarization
Purity distribution for generalized random Bures mixed states
Pushing off the walls: a mechanism of cell motility in confinement
Pushing the detection limit of Magnetic Circular Dichroism to 2 nm
Putting competing orders in their place near the Mott transition
Putting hydrodynamic interactions to work: tagged particle separation
Putting Proteins back into Water
Puzzling magneto-optical properties of ZnMnO films