P-wave Pairing in superconducting Sr2RuO4
P-wave Pairing in Two-Component Fermi Systems with Unequal Population near Feshbach Resonance
p-Wave Resonant Bose Gas: A Finite-Momentum Spinor Superfluid
p-Wave stabilization of three-dimensional Bose-Fermi solitons
p-wave superconductivity on monolayer and bilayer honeycomb lattice
p-Wave superconductor in a mesoscopic disc
p-Wave superfluid and phase separation in atomic Bose-Fermi mixture
P. W. Bridgman contributions to the foundations of shock compression of condensed matter
p=constant compression on loose Hostun sand: The case of an anisotropic response
p>2 spin glasses with first order ferromagnetic transitions
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: battling the devious fermion signs
Packet Transport on Scale Free Networks
Packing and percolation of poly-disperse discs and spheres
Packing and voids in electro-rheological structures of polarized clay particles
Packing defects and the width of biopolymer bundles
Packing Fractions and Maximum Angles of Stability of Granular Materials
Packing geometry and statistics of force networks in granular media
Packing grains by thermally cycling
Packing Hyperspheres in High-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces
Packing Model for Elastic Wires in Ellipsoidal Cavities