Oxygen-isotope effect on the superconducting gap in the cuprate superconductor Y_{1-x}Pr_xBa_2Cu_3O_{7-δ}
Oxygen-related traps in pentacene thin films: Energetic position and implications for transistor performance
Oxygen-stripes in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 from ab initio calculations
Oxygen-vacancy-induced charge carrier in n-type interface of LaAlO3 overlayer on SrTiO3 (001): interface vs bulk doping carrier
Oxygen-vacancy-mediated Negative Differential Resistance in La and Mg co-substituted BiFeO3 Thin Film
Oxygen-vacancy-related relaxation and scaling behaviors of Bi0.9La0.1Fe0.98Mg0.02O3 (La,Mg-codoped BiFeO3) ferroelectric thin film
Ozone adsorption on graphene: ab initio study and experimental validation