Josephson vortex motion as a source for dissipation of superflow of e-h pairs in bilayers
Josephson Vortex States in Intermediate Fields
Josephson vortices and solitons inside pancake vortex lattice in layered superconductors
Josephson vortices and the Meissner effect in stacked junctions and layered superconductors: Exact analytical results
Josephson-current induced conformational switching of a molecular quantum dot
Josephson-Junction Qubits and the Readout Process by Single-Electron Transistors
Josephson-Junction Qubits with Controlled Couplings
Josephson-Like Behaviour of Granular Carbon Films
Josephson-like spin current in junctions composed of antiferromagnets and ferromagnets
Josephson-Majorana cycle in topological single-electron hybrid transistors
Josephson-phase qubit without tunneling
Josephson-plasma and vortex modes in layered superconductors
Josephson-vortex-flow terahertz emission in layered high-$T_c$ superconducting single crystals
Josephson-Vortex-Glass Transition in Strong Fields
Joule expansion of a pure many-body state
Joule Heating and Current-Induced Instabilities in Magnetic Nanocontacts
Joule heating and high frequency nonlinear effects in the surface impedance of high Tc superconductors
Joule heating and thermoelectric properties in short single-walled carbon nanotubes: electron-phonon interaction effect
Joule heating generated by spin current through Josephson junctions
Joule heating in nanowires