Josephson junction simulation of neurons
Josephson junction transmission lines as tunable artificial crystals
Josephson junction with magnetic-field tunable ground state
Josephson junctions and superconducting quantum interference devices made by local oxidation of niobium ultrathin films
Josephson junctions as detectors for non-Gaussian noise
Josephson junctions as threshold detectors for full counting statistics
Josephson Junctions defined by a Nano-Plough
Josephson junctions in narrow thin-film strips
Josephson junctions in thin and narrow rectangular superconducting strips
Josephson Junctions with a synthetic antiferromagnetic interlayer
Josephson junctions with centered step and local variation of critical current density
Josephson Junctions with Minimal Length
Josephson junctions with negative second harmonic in the current-phase relation: properties of novel varphi-junctions
Josephson Junctions Without Pairing?
Josephson lattice structure in mesoscopic intrinsic Josephson junctions by means of flux-flow resistance in Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+δ}$
Josephson Lattices of the Optimal Size
Josephson nanocircuit in the presence of linear quantum noise
Josephson oscillation and induced collapse in an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate
Josephson Oscillation and Transition to Self-Trapping for Bose-Einstein-Condensates in a Triple-Well Trap
Josephson oscillation of a superfluid Fermi gas