Ideal barriers to polarization reversal and domain-wall motion in strained ferroelectric thin films
Ideal Bose gas in fractal dimensions and superfluid $^4$He in porous media
Ideal chains with fixed self-intersection rate
Ideal Fermi gases in harmonic oscillator potential traps
Ideal gas in nonextensive optimal Lagrange multipliers formalism
Ideal Gas-Like Distributions in Economics: Effects of Saving Propensity
Ideal Gases in Time-Dependent Traps
Ideal glass transition in a simple 2D lattice model
Ideal Glass Transitions by Random Pinning
Ideal glass transitions for hard ellipsoids
Ideal glass transitions in thin films: An energy landscape perspective
Ideal glass-glass transitions and logarithmic decay of correlations in a simple system
Ideal Glasses and Protein Network Dynamics
Ideal Linear Chain Polymers with Fixed Angular Momentum
Ideal Quantum non-demolishing measurement of a flux qubit at variable bias
Ideal Spin Filters: Theoretical Study of Electron Transmission Through Ordered and Disordered Interfaces Between Ferromagnetic Metals and Semiconductors
Ideal strengths and bonding properties of PuO2 under tension
Ideal switching effect in periodic spin-orbit coupling structures
Ideal, Defective, and Gold--Promoted Rutile TiO2(110) Surfaces: Structures, Energies, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics from PBE+U
Ideality factor in transport theory of Schottky barrier diodes