Guided atom laser: transverse mode quality and longitudinal momentum distribution
Guided Modes of Elliptical Metamaterial Waveguides
Guided nucleation of superconductivity on a graded magnetic substrate
Guided plasmons in graphene p-n junctions
Guided Quasicontinuous Atom Laser
Guided Simulated Annealing Method for Optimization Problems
Guided vortex motion in superconductors with a square antidot lattice
Guided Wave Propagation in Left-Handed Microstrip Structure Using Dispersive SRR Metamaterial
Guiding and Trapping Electron Spin Waves in Atomic Hydrogen Gas
Guiding center picture of magnetoresistance oscillations in rectangular superlattices
Guiding of vortices and ratchet effect in superconducting films with asymmetric pinning potential
Guiding structures with multiply connected cross-sections: evolution of propagation in external fields at complex Robin parameters
Guiding superconducting vortices by magnetic domain walls
Guiding-fields for phase-separation: Controlling Liesegang patterns
Gumbel distribution and current fluctuations in critical systems
Gundlach oscillations and Coulomb blockade of Co nano-islands on MgO/Mo(100) investigated by scanning tunneling spectroscopy at 300 K
Gutenberg Richter and Characteristic Earthquake Behavior in Simple Mean-Field Models of Heterogeneous Faults
Gutenberg-Richter Law for Internetquakes
Gutenberg-Richter Scaling - A New Paradigm
Gutzwiller approach to the Bose-Hubbard model with random local impurities