Dynamics of wave packets in two-dimensional crystals under external magnetic and electric fields: Vortices formation
Dynamics of weakly coupled random antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains
Dynamics of weakly localized waves
Dynamics of wrinkles on a vesicle in external flow
Dynamics of zz spin correlations in the square-lattice spin-1/2 isotropic XY model
Dynamics on Complex Networks and Applications
Dynamics on the Way to Forming Glass: Bubbles in Space-time
Dynamics revealed by correlations of time-distributed weak measurements of a single spin
Dynamics stabilization and transport coherency in a rocking ratchet for cold atoms
Dynamics theory of deformable solids with quasiparticle excitations in the presence of electromagnetic fields
Dynamics towards the Feigenbaum attractor
Dynamics versus replicas in the random field Ising model
Dynamics vs electronic states of vortex core of high-T_c superconductors investigated by high-frequency impedance measurement
Dynamics within metastable states in a mean-field spin glass
Dynamics, dynamic soft elasticity and rheology of smectic-C elastomers
Dynamics, Rectification, and Fractionalization for Colloids on Flashing Substrates
Dynamics, Selection Rules and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions in Strongly Frustrated Magnets
Dynamics, Synchronization and Quantum Phase Transitions of Two Dissipative Spins
Dynamics-Controlled Truncation Scheme for Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductor Microcavities
Dynamics-dependent criticality in models with q absorbing states