Dynamics of the particle - hole pair creation in graphene
Dynamics of the peel front and the nature of acoustic emission during peeling of an adhesive tape
Dynamics of the Peierls-active phonon modes in CuGeO_3
Dynamics of the quantum dimer model on the triangular lattice: Soft modes and local resonating valence-bond correlations
Dynamics of the quantum Duffing oscillator in the driving induced bistable regime
Dynamics of the reaction-diffusion system $A + B \to 0 $ with input of particles
Dynamics of the rotational degrees of freedom in a supercooled liquid of diatomic molecules
Dynamics of the Singlet-Triplet System Coupled with Conduction Spins -- Application to Pr Skutterudites
Dynamics of the spin-boson model with a structured environment
Dynamics of the spin-half Heisenberg chain at intermediate temperatures
Dynamics of the superconducting condensate in the presence of a magnetic field. Channelling of vortices in superconducting strips at high currents
Dynamics of the superfluid to Mott insulator transition in one dimension
Dynamics of the swelling or collapse of a homopolymer
Dynamics of the Time Horizon Minority Game
Dynamics of the triple contact line on the non-isothermal heater
Dynamics of the two-dimensional gonihedric spin model
Dynamics of the two-dimensional S=1/2 dimer system (C5H6N2F)2CuCl4
Dynamics of the Two-Site Hubbard Model
Dynamics of the Vortex Fluid in Cuprate Superconductors: the Nernst Effect
Dynamics of the Wang-Landau algorithm and complexity of rare events for the three-dimensional bimodal Ising spin glass