Dynamics of pulled desorption with effects of excluded volume interaction: The p-Laplacian diffusion equation and its exact solution
Dynamics of Pulsed Flow in an Elastic Tube
Dynamics of quantized vortices in superfluid helium and rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
Dynamics of quantum dissipation systems interacting with bosonic canonical bath: Hierarchical equations of motion approach
Dynamics of quantum dissipation systems interacting with Fermion and Boson grand canonical bath ensembles: Hierarchical equations of motion approach
Dynamics of Quantum Dissipative Systems: The Example of Quantum Brownian Motors
Dynamics of quantum dot superradiance
Dynamics of quantum Hall stripes in double-quantum-well systems
Dynamics of Quantum Noise in a Tunnel Junction under ac Excitation
Dynamics of Quantum Phase Transition in an Array of Josephson Junctions
Dynamics of quantum phase transition: exact solution in quantum Ising model
Dynamics of quantum phase transitions in Dicke and Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models
Dynamics of quantum quenching for BCS-BEC systems in the shallow BEC regime
Dynamics of quantum spin chains and multi-fermion excitation continua
Dynamics of quantum spin liquid and spin solid phases in IPA-CuCl3 under field
Dynamics of quantum spin systems in dimer and valence-bond solid ground states stabilized by competing interactions
Dynamics of quantum vortices at finite temperature
Dynamics of quartz tuning fork force sensors used in scanning probe microscopy
Dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional bright and vortex solitons of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate with repulsive atomic interaction
Dynamics of Quasi-ordered Structure in a Regio-regulated pi-Conjugated Polymer:Poly(4-methylthiazole-2,5-diyl)