Dynamics of Lennard-Jones clusters: A characterization of the activation-relaxation technique
Dynamics of Lieb-Liniger Gases
Dynamics of Limit Cycle Oscillator Subject to General Noise
Dynamics of linear polymers in random media
Dynamics of liquid 4He in Vycor
Dynamics of liquid crystalline domains in magnetic field
Dynamics of liquid He-4 in confined geometries from Time-Dependent Density Functional calculations
Dynamics of liquid silica as explained by properties of the potential energy landscape
Dynamics of Living Polymers
Dynamics of localization in a waveguide
Dynamics of Localization Phenomena for Hardcore Bosons in Optical Lattices
Dynamics of localized particles from density functional theory
Dynamics of localized spins coupled to the conduction electrons with charge/spin currents
Dynamics of Localized Waves
Dynamics of Long-Living Excitons in Tunable Potential Landscapes
Dynamics of long-range order in an exciton-polariton condensate
Dynamics of Low Anisotropy Morphologies in Directional Solidification
Dynamics of Macroscopic Tunneling in Elongated BEC
Dynamics of Macroscopic Wave Packet Passing through Double Slits: Role of Gravity and Nonlinearity
Dynamics of magnetic charges in artificial spin ice