Dynamics of Granular Stratification
Dynamics of graphene growth on a metal surface: a time-dependent photoemission study
Dynamics of gravity driven three-dimensional thin films on hydrophilic-hydrophobic patterned substrates
Dynamics of hard-sphere suspension using Dynamic Light Scattering and X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy: dynamics and scaling of the Intermediate Scattering Function
Dynamics of helical vortices and helical-vortex rings
Dynamics of heterogeneous hard spheres in a file
Dynamics of heteropolymers in dilute solution: effective equation of motion and relaxation spectrum
Dynamics of heuristic optimization algorithms on random graphs
Dynamics of Highly Supercooled Liquids
Dynamics of Highly Supercooled Liquids:Heterogeneity, Rheology, and Diffusion
Dynamics of Holes and Universality Class of the Antiferromagnetic Transition in the Two Dimensional Hubbard Model
Dynamics of Impurity and Valence Bands in GaMnAs within the Dynamical Mean Field Approximation
Dynamics of in-plane charge separation front in 2D electron-hole gas
Dynamics of Individual Specialization and Global Diversification in Communities
Dynamics of inelastically colliding rough spheres: Relaxation of translational and rotational energy
Dynamics of inelastically colliding spheres with Coulomb friction: Relaxation of translational and rotational energy
Dynamics of Information Entropies in Nonextensive Systems
Dynamics of Inhomogeneous Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid Wire
Dynamics of interacting Brownian particles: a diagrammatic formulation
Dynamics of interacting clusters and dielectric response of relaxor ferroelectrics