Dynamics of F=1 87Rb condensates at finite temperatures
Dynamics of F=2 Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates
Dynamics of femtosecond magnetization reversal induced by circularly polarized light in the presence of fluctuations and dissipation
Dynamics of Fermionic Four-Wave Mixing
Dynamics of fermions coupling to a U(1) gauge field in the limit $e^2\to\infty$
Dynamics of ferroelectric nano cluster in BaTiO3 observed as a real time correlation between two soft X-ray laser pulses
Dynamics of ferromagnetic nanomagnets with vortex or single-domain configuration
Dynamics of ferromagnetic spherical spin models with power law interactions: exact solution
Dynamics of fibers in a wide microchannel
Dynamics of filaments and membranes in a viscous fluid
Dynamics of finite and infinite self-gravitating systems with cold quasi-uniform initial conditions
Dynamics of finite Fermi-Hubbard and Bose-Hubbard systems
Dynamics of flare-driven chromospheric condensations
Dynamics of Fluctuating Bose-Einstein Condensates
Dynamics of Fluctuation Dominated Phase Ordering: Hard-core Passive Sliders on a Fluctuating Surface
Dynamics of fluctuations in a fluid below the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convection
Dynamics of Fluctuations of Localized Waves
Dynamics of Fluid Mixtures in Nanospaces
Dynamics of Fluid Vesicles in Flow through Structured Microchannels
Dynamics of Fluid Vesicles in Oscillatory Shear Flow