Dynamics of dispersive single qubit read-out in circuit quantum electrodynamics
Dynamics of Dissipative Quantum Hall Edges
Dynamics of Dissipative Quantum Systems--from Path Integrals to Master Equations
Dynamics of DNA Melting
Dynamics of DNA translocation through an attractive nanopore
Dynamics of DNA-breathing: Weak noise analysis, finite time singularity, and mapping onto the quantum Coulomb problem
Dynamics of domain growth driven by dipolar interactions in a perpendicularly magnetized ultrathin film
Dynamics of Domain Growth in Self-Assembled Fluid Vesicles
Dynamics of Domain Wall in a Biaxial Ferromagnet With Spin-torque
Dynamics of domain walls in magnetic nanostrips
Dynamics of Domains in Diluted Antiferromagnets
Dynamics of driven interfaces near isotropic percolation transition
Dynamics of driven vortex-antivortex matter in superconducting films with a magnetic dipole array
Dynamics of Dry Friction: A Numerical Investigation
Dynamics of edge Majorana fermions in $ν=\frac{5}2$ fractional quantum Hall effects
Dynamics of Einstein - de Haas Effect: Application to Magnetic Cantilever
Dynamics of elastic boundaries
Dynamics of Electric Field Domains and Oscillations of the Photocurrent in a Simple Superlattice Model
Dynamics of electromagnetic fields in nonlinear Klein-Gordon systems
Dynamics of electronic transport in a semiconductor superlattice with a shunting side layer