Dynamics after a sweep through a quantum critical point
Dynamics Analysis Of Plasmon Resonance Modes In Nanoparticles
Dynamics and Berry phase of two-species Bose-Einstein condensates
Dynamics and Bloch oscillations of mobile impurities in one-dimensional quantum liquids
Dynamics and Configurational Entropy in the LW Model for Supercooled Orthoterphenyl
Dynamics and Critical Behaviour of the q-model
Dynamics and Current Fluctuations in AC driven Charge Shuttle
Dynamics and decoherence in the central spin model using exact methods
Dynamics and delocalisation transition for an interface driven by a uniform shear flow
Dynamics and Effective Actions of BCS Superconductors
Dynamics and efficiency of a self-propelled, diffusiophoretic swimmer
Dynamics and energetics of a molecular zipper under external driving
Dynamics and Energy Distribution of Non-Equilibrium Quasiparticles in Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
Dynamics and energy landscape in a tetrahedral network glass-former: Direct comparison with models of fragile liquids
Dynamics and flow-induced phase separation in polymeric fluids
Dynamics and Friction in Double Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Dynamics and geometric properties of the k-Trigonometric model
Dynamics and Instabilities of Defects in Two-Dimensional Crystals on Curved Backgrounds
Dynamics and Instabilities of Planar Tensile Cracks in Heterogeneous Media
Dynamics and interactions of active rotors