Cyclical interactions with alliance-specific heterogeneous invasion rates
Cyclically coupled spreading and pair annihilation
Cyclization of a Polymer: A First Passage Problem for a Non-Markovian Process
Cycloaddition Functionalizations to Preserve or Control the Conductance of Carbon Nanotubes
Cyclopentadienyl-Benzene Based Sandwich Molecular Wires Showing Efficient Spin Filtering, Negative Differential Resistance, and Pressure Induced Electronic Transitions
Cyclostationary measurement of low-frequency odd moments of current fluctuations
Cyclostationary shot noise in mesoscopic measurements
Cyclotron braid group approach to Laughlin correlations
Cyclotron effect on coherent spin precession of two-dimensional electrons
Cyclotron effective mass of 2D electron layer at GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction subject to in-plane magnetic fields
Cyclotron effective masses in layered metals
Cyclotron enhancement of tunneling
Cyclotron motion and magnetic focusing in semiconductor quantum wells with spin-orbit coupling
Cyclotron motion in graphene
Cyclotron motion in the vicinity of a Lifshitz transition in graphite
Cyclotron motion of a quantized vortex in a superfluid
Cyclotron radiation and emission in graphene
Cyclotron resonance and Faraday rotation in graphite
Cyclotron resonance and inelastic light scattering in semiconductor quantum dots
Cyclotron resonance and mass enhancement by electron correlation in KFe$_2$As$_2$