Currents and correlations in Luttinger liquids and carbon nanotubes at finite temperature and size: a bosonization study
Currents in a many-particle parabolic quantum dot under a strong magnetic field
Currents in complex polymers: an example of superstatistics for short time series
Currents in Systems of Mesoscopic Noisy Rings
Currents in the Compressible and Incompressible Regions of the 2DEG
Currents on Superconducting Strings in AN Unusual Environment
Currents, Torques, and Polarization Factors in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
Curvature and temperature of complex networks
Curvature autocorrelations in domain growth dynamics
Curvature condensation and bifurcation in an elastic shell
Curvature Dependence of Surface Free Energy of Liquid Drops and Bubbles: A Simulation Study
Curvature dependence of the electrolytic liquid-liquid interfacial tension
Curvature Distribution of Worm-like Chains in Two and Three Dimensions
Curvature effect on the interaction between folded graphitic surface and silver clusters
Curvature effects on collective excitations in dumbbell-shaped hollow nanotubes
Curvature Effects on Optical Response of Si nanocrystals in SiO2 having Interface Silicon Suboxides
Curvature effects on surface electron states in ballistic nanostructures
Curvature effects on the surface thickness and tension at the free interface of $^4$He systems
Curvature in conformal mappings of 2D lattices and foam structure
Curvature induced optical phonon frequency shift in metallic carbon nanotubes