Bubbles, clusters and denaturation in genomic DNA: modeling, parametrization, efficient computation
Bubbles, crashes and intermittency in agent based market models
Bubbling and Large-Scale Structures in Avalanche Dynamics
Buckled circular monolayer graphene: a graphene nano-bowl
Buckled in translation
Buckled nano rod - a two state system and its dynamics
Buckled nano rod - a two state system and its dynamics using system plus reservoir model
Buckling and competition of energy and entropy lead conformation of single-walled carbon nanocones
Buckling and d-Wave Pairing in HiTc-Superconductors
Buckling and force propagation along intracellular microtubules
Buckling induced Zener polaron instability in half-doped manganites
Buckling Instabilities of a Confined Colloid Crystal Layer
Buckling instability for a charged and fluctuating semiflexible polymer
Buckling instability in type-II superconductors with strong pinning
Buckling of Carbon Nanotubes: A State of the Art Review
Buckling of Graphene Layers Supported by Rigid Substrates
Buckling of rods with spontaneous twist and curvature
Buckling of semiflexible filaments under compression
Buckling of Spherical Capsules
Buckling of stiff polymer rings in weak spherical confinement