Broken space-time symmetries and mechanisms of rectification of ac fields by nonlinear (non)adiabatic response
Broken spin-Hall accumulation symmetry by magnetic field and coexisted Rashba and Dresselhaus interactions
Broken Symmetries in Scanning Tunneling Images of Carbon Nanotubes
Broken Symmetries in the Reconstruction of v=1 Quantum Hall Edges
Broken Symmetry and Coherence of Molecular Vibrations in Tunnel Transitions
Broken Symmetry and Josephson-like Tunneling in Quantum Hall Bilayers
Broken Symmetry and Nonequilibrium Superfluid 3He
Broken symmetry and symmetry classification of magnetic ordering in doped crystals
Broken symmetry and the variation of critical properties in the phase behaviour of supramolecular rhombus tilings
Broken Symmetry Approach and Chemical Susceptibility of Carbon Nanotubes
Broken Symmetry Ground States in ν=2 Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems
Broken Symmetry in Density-Functional Theory: Analysis and Cure
Broken symmetry of row switching in 2D Josephson junction arrays
Broken symmetry states and divergent resistance in suspended bilayer graphene
Broken Symmetry, Boundary Conditions, and Band Gap Oscillations in Finite Single Wall Nanotubes
Broken symmetry, excitons, gapless modes and topological excitations in Trilayer Quantum Hall systems
Broken symmetry, hyper-fermions, and universal conductance in transport through a fractional quantum Hall edge
Broken Time Reversal of Light Interaction with Planar Chiral Nanostructures
Broken Time Reversal Symmetry and Superconducting States in the Cuprates
Broken time-reversal symmetry in Josephson junction involving two-band superconductors