A basic swimmer at low Reynolds number
A Basic Thermodynamic Derivation of the Maximum Overburden Pressure Generated in Frost Heave
A basis for the statistical mechanics of granular systems
A basis-set based Fortran program to solve the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for dilute Bose gases in harmonic and anharmonic traps
A Bayesian approach to magnetic moment determination using muSR
A BCS wavefunction approach to the BEC-BCS crossover of exciton-polariton condensates
A BCS-BEC crossover in the extended Falicov-Kimball model: Variational cluster approach
A beginner's guide to the modern theory of polarization
A Bell's inequality for the moment generating function of transferred charge
A benzene interference single-electron transistor
A Bethe ansatz solution for the closed $U_{q}[sl(2)]$ Temperley-Lieb quantum spin chains
A Bethe lattice representation for sandpiles
A Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook-like Model Kinetic Equation for a Granular Gas of Inelastic Rough Hard Spheres
A Biased Monte Carlo Scheme for Zeolite Structure Solution
A Biased Resistor Network Model for Electromigration Failure and Related Phenomena in Metallic Lines
A bicontinuous structure in some systems with cubic mesophases
A binary mixture of spinor atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
A Biologically Inspired Ratchet Model of Two Coupled Brownian Motors
A Bionic Coulomb Phase on the Pyrochlore Lattice
A bird's-eye view of density-functional theory