`17-15' Superconductivity - Rh17S15 and Pd17Se15
`Baryonic' bound-state instability in trapped fermionic atoms
`Composite particles' and the eigenstates of Calogero-Sutherland and Ruijsenaars-Schneider
`Deterministic' quantum plasmonics
`Exact' solutions of the full electrokinetic model for soft spherical colloids: Electrophoretic mobility
`Generalized des Cloizeaux' exponent for self-avoiding walks on the incipient percolation cluster
`Local' Quantum Criticality at the Nematic Quantum Phase Transition
`One-sided' log-normal distribution of conductances of a disordered quantum wire
`Real' vs `Imaginary' Noise in Diffusion-Limited Reactions
`Spin-Spin' Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems with Spin-Orbit Interaction
`Stückelberg interferometry' with ultracold molecules
`Tight Binding' methods in quantum transport through molecules and small devices: From the coherent to the decoherent description
``Bare'' Effective Mass in Finite Sized $ν= 1/2$ Systems
``Cold spots'': a new model for transport in high $T_c$ cuprates
``Critical'' phonons of the supercritical Frenkel-Kontorova model: renormalization bifurcation diagrams
``Fermi Liquid'' Shell Model Approach to Composite Fermion Excitation Spectra in Fractional Quantum Hall States
``Flux'' state in double exchange model
``Linearized'' Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for the Mott-Hubbard transition
``Smoke Rings'' in Ferromagnets
``Space Time Aspects of Quasiparticle Propagation''