A generalized thermodynamics for power-law statistics
A generalized voter model on complex networks
A Geometric Fractal Growth Model for Scale Free Networks
A geometric growth model interpolating between regular and small-world networks
A geometric model for cold water and liquid-liquid transitions
A Gibbsian approach to potential game theory
A glass anomaly in the shear modulus of solid $^4$He
A glassy contribution to the heat capacity of hcp $^4$He solids
A globally accurate theory for a class of binary mixture models
A Granular Brownian Ratchet Model
A granular fluid modeled as a driven system of elastic hard spheres
A Gross-Pitaevskii Treatment for Supersolid He
A Growth-based Optimization Algorithm for Lattice Heteropolymers
A Hamiltonian approach for explosive percolation
A hard-sphere model on generalised Bethe lattices: Dynamics
A hard-sphere model on generalized Bethe lattices: Statics
A heat pump at a molecular scale controlled by a mechanical force
A Heavenly Example of Scale Free Networks and Self-Organized Criticality
A Hebbian approach to complex network generation
A heuristic approach to the weakly interacting Bose gas