Labyrinthic granular landscapes
Labyrinthine pathways towards supercycle attractors in unimodal maps
Lack of energy equipartition in homogeneous heated binary granular mixtures
Lack of self-averaging of the specific heat in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model
Lack of Stability in the Stillinger-Weber Analysis, and a Stable Analysis of the Potential Energy Landscape
Lagrange statistics in systems (markets) with price constraints: Analysis of property, car sales, marriage and job markets by the Boltzmann function and the Pareto distribution
Lagrangian acceleration statistics in turbulent flows
Lagrangian approach and dissipative magnetic systems
Lagrangian dynamics and statistical geometric structure of turbulence
Lagrangian formulation of turbulent premixed combustion
Lagrangian method for multiple correlations in passive scalar advection
Lagrangian phase transitions in nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems
Lagrangian Statistical Mechanics applied to Non-linear Stochastic Field Equations
Lagrangian Velocity Statistics in Turbulent Flows: Effects of Dissipation
Lagrangian Vorticity and Velocity Measurements in Turbulent Jets
Lamb Mossbauer factor using non-extensive Statistics
Landau damping in trapped Bose-condensed gases
Landau Damping of Spin Waves in Trapped Boltzmann Gases
Landau Diamagnetism in Noncommutative Space and the Nonextensive Thermodynamics of Tsallis
Landau diamagnetism within nonextensive statistical thermodynamics